April 29, 2009

Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet

Every time I open my inbox, I receive at least a couple of email requests asking for a vegetarian muscle building diet. As this is a topic of interest to many, I thought I would share it with all of you today.

Always start your day with a smart breakfast. What I do is I start off with a shake with pea, rice or hemp protein or a combination of all three depending on the availability. I also blend 30 to 40 grams of protein in an eight ounce organic coconut milk along with 8 to 12 ounces water. I also add a banana some mixed frozen berries, a table spoon of cacao-nibs, and 2 table spoons maca-powder, which are the best for testosterone-production and also virility. Apart from being super healthy, they are absolutely delicious.

A smart snack would also help you a lot. A few cashews or tangerines or a couple of apples with almond butter are best snacks you could eat. Freshly ground almond-butter from whole foods is something anyone would love eating. You should try mixing it with organic honey and it turns out to be so delicious that you can finish an entire cup; this could form a smart snack at night. You can complete your snack with almond milk or a cup of hemp.

Having a few pickles each day with some sea salt on it would help in increasing your sodium intake improving energy production and strength.

When it comes to lunch, it should contain some kinds of beans and legumes which are considered basic food for any vegetarian muscle building diet. This should be consumed with quinoa and brown rice. What you can do is cook black beans with onions, tomatoes, peppers and garlic and mix it with rice. Topping it with fresh avocado and salsa makes it the best meal. This combination of rice and beans is a Mexican style. For a change you can also mix up quinoa or rice with beans and marinara sauce. It is always better to cook food enough for at least two days.

Eat a salad or pick your favorite vegetables and eat them raw or mix steamed kale or spinach to it.

Once in a while, you must take in some almond-butter and jelly sandwiches during your lunch time. Try avoiding peanut butter and even peanuts for that matter, as it contains deadly toxins. Wheat also can be avoided as it contains certain inflammatory properties. Prefer eating brown rice bread rather than these.

There would be times where you do not really have access to food. So always carry raw organic food-bars which have a variety of nuts in them. If you already had fruits for my previous snack, make this snack a raw veggie-snack with hummus and loads of nuts.

You can also have another shake similar to the one above, but you can avoid coconut milk or cacao here and use maca-powder. Also blend almond milk, water, banana and frozen spinach.

While working out, you should drink water and coconut water as often as you can. Try drinking at least half a gallon of water each day. Also try to avoid using plastic bottles because of the estrogenic-effects. Also try drinking two cups of green tea everyday.

For dinner, cook a stew with numerous vegetables and a few varieties of legumes. If you realize you have just squash, spinach, garlic and onions, you can throw all of them in a pot with vegetable-broth with yellow peas and some salt and pepper. The yellow peas have 10 grams of protein in every one-fourth of a cup. Leave it to cook for about two hours and add some quinoa. I bet you it will be absolutely mouth-watering. Other times you can mix some brown-rice with other vegetables and lentils. If you were interested in slimming down, you should avoid the brown-rice. Adding even one potato will make the dish creamier and will melt in your mouth.

It is better to lower the soy consumption because it has estrogenic-effects, but occasionally eat tofu and brown rice or any kind of meat-substitute along with brown rice pasta.

You should eat soy-free and wheat-free vegetable burgers once or twice a week for dinners. Also you should include a spinach salad with broccoli, tomatoes, onions, carrots, olives, berries, nuts, apples, seeds, avocado and everything healthy that is possible. You can top it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Vega oil.

For desert, have organic coconut milk ice cream because this is made with coconut milk and not cow’s milk therefore it is tasty and also healthy. Coconut milk has healthy MCT’s and no drawbacks like you have in cow’s milk. It is sweetened with organic agave-syrup which I highly recommend.

The other desert is organic dark chocolate as it has numerous health benefits. The brands I advice sustain slave-free, fair trade-practices. They are Newman’s Own, Blacks and Greens and the Endangered Species Chocolate Company.

Therefore this is the vegetarian muscle building diet. This is easy to follow and a very healthy diet. It is far better than eating saturated fat and loads of red meat.

To learn more visit:

Muscle Gaining Secrets

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